Quality Improvement Certification

Certified in healthcare quality chq certified professional in infection control cpic certified in healthcare performance improvement chpi certified in healthcare risk management chrm certified hospital surveyor chs certified professional in health and hospital administration cphha certified patient safety officer cpso certified in.
Quality improvement certification. And a basic certificate in quality and safety. Certification in health care quality and management hcqm for physicians nurses and other health care professionals hcqm certification demonstrates that abqaurp diplomates have the practical knowledge and the tools that can reduce medical errors ensure patient safety eliminate waste and unnecessary services while avoiding potentially harmful delays in care. To track your progress tow ard these goals or to claim certificates and credits visit the certificates tab when youre in the courses or go. Testing in the united states.
Demonstrate your competence in healthcare quality. The certified quality improvement associate has a basic knowledge of quality tools and their uses and is involved in quality improvement projects but doesnt necessarily come from a traditional quality area. The complete catalog of online courses includes more than 35 continuing education credits for nurses physicians and pharmacists as well as a basic certificate in quality and safety to reward the completion of 13 foundational modules. Become a cphq if youre ready to demonstrate your dedication to healthcare quality and distinguish yourself from the crowd apply for the certified professional in healthcare quality cphq exam today.
Training materials related to quality improvement in the learning resource center. The qi planning learning series offer three sessions. Set yourself up for success in advancing the profession by earning the cphq and. Ihi o pen school online courses offer more than 35 continuing education credits for nurses physicians and pharmacists.
A selection of courses have also been approved for maintenance of certification moc part 2 activity points. Maintenance of certification moc part 2 for select medical specialty boards. Customized on site facilitation coaching and training on quality improvement tools strategic planning leadership and change management and lean six sigma in the performance improvement learning series catalog. Earn the industry standard certification for healthcare quality the certified professional in healthcare quality cphq.
Quality improvement planning learning series learn about how to design and implement a successful quality improvement program that meets core program and ftca requirements and drives your quality related activities.